If you were making an order with standard shipping, you have 24 hours to make any corrections. Just follow the Edit link in the order confirmation email we sent you right after you placed your order, and you can update your star map details. You can also send us an email within those 24 hours and your order will be put on standby until we make the corrections.*
If you made your order with express shipping, you have 1 hour to do the above. Part of the express service is that the orders get sent to manufacturing within one hour of being made to guarantee they get to the customer as fast as possible. If you email us within this one hour of making your order, it will be placed on hold until one of our agents resolves the issues.*
Unfortunately, we cannot make any changes on the address once your order has been shipped. If this is your case, we suggest trying to get in touch with your local postal service with your tracking number and they might be able to help you. You can find the carrier contact information here:https://support.underluckystars.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022342614-Carrier-contact-information
In case your order gets returned back to us, please send us an email with the address details to support@underluckystars.com and we will resend your star map as soon as possible.